ENG 121: English Composition II
Wed - February 1
Letter to the Professor (hand in in hard copies)
Email me from your preferred e-mail address
Purchase Textbooks
Mon - January 30
Introductions & Syllabus
Poems by Seamus Heaney & Langston Hughes
Wed - February 8
HW due: Consider the end of Lysistrata: questions of violence/non-violence; does the play end comedically or with more serious, dark humor
Bring in your graphic (drawn map) of 1) a general essay and 2) your specific essay outline
Five-Paragraph Essay Draft due on any spin-off topic from Lysistrata (Think about the octopus)
Mon - February 6
Class discussion: Aristophanes, Lysistrata
HW due: Choose a passage, circle it, and respond intelligently in your notebook with one paragraph of writing.
Think about how our reading connects to current events or any protest causes you might be involved with.
Wed - February 15
Class: Lesson on Introductions
HW due: (1) Revised essay drafts (bring 2 hard copies; don't print double-sided)
(2) Print out my email to you with revision suggestions
(3) Have a working essay title (or a few title options)
Mon - FEBRUARY 13 - no class
Purchase books and start reading Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
Wed - February 22
Titles & Backwards Outline exercise
Comparative Essay structures (3 options)
Class discussion: Oedipus Rex (Please read up to p. 19)
HW due: Essays due (final draft) in hard copy
Mon - FEBRUARY 20 - no class
Finish Oedipus Rex; find and highlight the most important passage to you.
Bring 3 pitches for a Comparison/Contrast Essay about leadership:
What makes a good leader?
Write a 1-paragraph topic proposal for your Compare & Contrast essay to hand in. What question you will be posing? What are the two parallel texts you will compare? On what basis will you compare your A and B?
Locate the two texts (A and B). Bring both to class, printed out and marked up, showing that you've worked with each text. Keep the "fox and the hedgehog" in mind as you analyze, paying attention to both difference and similarity in unexpected ways.
Read They Say, I Say, Preface, p. xvi-xxvi. Bring the book to class.
WED - March 8
Read They Say, I Say, p. 1-29.
Outline or rough draft (optional) due. A complete draft is due on Monday, March 13.
No need to bring your laptop to class--we will be walking down to the Carman Computer Lab in Room 120.
Sign into CUNY Academic Commons and read the posts of all your classmates on the Talk Activism! Group Forum. If you notice any typos for others to edit, please jot them down in your notebook. (We are going for perfection in the blogosphere)! Take note of your 2 favorite posts from which you learned the most..
Bring your completed draft of the Compare and Contrast paper to class. Your draft must be in hard copy. (Class will be held in our regular room upstairs).
WED - March 16
Bring your first paper (Essay 1 -- the one already graded by me) to class in hard copy. We will be working on style in today's class.
If you have a Twitter account, please tweet something witty, interesting, and educational with the following 3 hashtags. #ActivisminAcademia #CUNYactivism #LehmanEnglish.
Essay 2 (Compare and Contrast) due.
Please bring They Say, I Say to class!
Order a copy of Goethe's Faust to read over Spring Break. (Use the edition specified on our syllabus). Procure a copy of The Little Seagull Handbook for use in class next week.
Research the work of the psychologist Emanuele Castano. Hunt for general news sources as well as scholarly articles using the database resources I've showed you. Print out whatever information you can find and bring it to class.
I'll be available to conference with you individually (or in pairs) for your final paper draft during office hours or at the end of class..
MON - March 27
Print out and read Walker Percy, "The Lost Creature"
Create a Citation Style Sheet & a citation quiz. You'll need The Little Seagull Handbook.
Wed - MARCH 29
Percy, "The Lost Creature"
Citation Style Sheets & Quizzes / Prof. Interview questions due
Oral Presentations: Luis, Hilliary, AJ, Max, A.J., Adonay
Library session: We will meet in the lobby of Leonard Lief Library. Please make sure to bring your Lehman ID.
Topic proposals due.
Print out and read David Foster Wallace, "Tense Present: Democracy, English, and the Wars over Usage"
Oral Presentations: Tasmina, Kenneth, Javiera, Enji, Jovanna, Zoe, Hossam, Lorenzo, Gabriella, Sharon, Rabab, A.J.
Activism in Academia symposium at the CUNY Graduate Center.