Restoration through Revolutions: 1660-1815
August 29: Introduction & Historical Contexts
Contexts: Enlightenment, The Restoration, Slavery & the Slave Trade, Women in Print, and the Popish Plot
Kant, What is Enlightenment?
Intro to Close Reading assignments
August 31: Paradise Lost I: EPIC, HEROISM & Freedom
Milton, Paradise Lost, Book I: especially lines 1-355, Invocation to the Muse
September 5: no class
September 7: Paradise lost II
John Milton, Paradise Lost: (flag the following passages for easy access)
(Use The John Milton Reading Room from Dartmouth College if you are still waiting for your books to arrive. You'll find it useful to read the short Arguments at the beginning of each book as well.)
God on Man: Book III. 80-134
Satan - "Me miserable": Book IV. 32-113
Description of Adam & Eve: Book IV. 287-318
Adam to Eve: Book IV.411-435
Satan on tree: IV.512-527
Eve to Adam: IV.635-638
Satan tempts Eve: IV.797-809
Eve reports dream to Adam: V.33-93
Adam & Raphael discuss Eve: VIII.521-78
The Fall: All of Book 9
Confession & Sentencing: X.1-234, especially 137-156
Commiseration: X.720-768, 873-895, 923-936
Suicide? Penitence: X.967-1006, 1013-1104.
Expulsion: XII. 552-end
September 12: Paradise Lost III
Paradise Lost: The Fall & Expulsion from Paradise (Book IX and XII.552-end)
September 14: The Slave Trade
Phillis Wheatley, poems - print out and bring to class
Oladuah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself (3033)
September 19: The SLAVE TRADE II
Aphra Behn, Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave (2313)
September 21: Restoration Drama
Read Norton Anthology: Restoration Literature (2198-2199)
William Congreve, The Way of the World (2359-2420)
Draft your Virtue Essay following your outline written during class (guidelines here)
September 26: the Periodical essay - Addison & Steele
Email your Virtue Essay to by Monday morning
Read Norton Anthology: The Periodical Essay (2639-41)
Addison & Steele, The Spectator: "The Aims of the Spectator" (2644), "Wit: True, False, Mixed" (2652); "Paradise Lost" (2657); check out the original!
John Dryden, An Essay of Dramatic Poesy (2252, 2256-8)
Eliza Haywood, The Female Spectator (just browse link and scroll through the journal by clicking on it)
September 28: The Rape of the Lock - ALexander Pope
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism (2669-2678): Parts I and II up to Part II, line 423
Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock (2686-2704)
Reminder: No class on Monday, October 3. We meet on Thursday instead.
"Low People and High People" (2435-2440)
Samuel Richardson, Pamela (only pages listed below) - not in the anthology; borrow/purchase the book or click on links below
Don't print out all the pages; you may bring a laptop or tablet to class instead this week
You may wish to buy hard copies of Samuel Richardson, Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded (book info) and Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews and Shamela (book info) for your convenience.
OCTOBER 6: Parody & Satire, Sequels & Spin-offs - Henry Fielding
Henry Fielding, Shamela (excerpts here)
Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews (excerpts here)
October 19: MIDTERM EXAM
October 24: Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal (2633)
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, Part I: A Voyage to Lilliput
october 26: Gulliver's travels
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, Part 2: A Voyage to Brobdingnag
October 31: Gulliver's Travels cont'd
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, Part 4: A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms
Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (here)
Jonathan Swift, "The Lady's Dressing Room" (2767)
Lady Wortley Montagu, "The Reasons That Induced Dr. Swift to Write a Poem Called the Lady's Dressing Room" (2770)
Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (here)
November 7 & 9: PRide & Prejudice
Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice, Volume I
Related articles:
November 14 & 16: PRIDE & PREJUDICE II
Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice, Volume II
Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice, Volume 3
Pemberley clip from the 2005 movie
Here is a sample essay that can help you with understanding the structure of your paper. I will have hard copies for you at our conference.
Norton Anthology, "The Revolution Controversy and the Spirit of the Age" (here)
William Blake, From Songs of Innocence: Introduction, Nurse's Song, Infant Joy (here)
From Songs of Innocence and Experience: Introduction, Nurse's Song, Infant Sorrow
William Wordsworth, Preface to Lyrical Ballads
"The Lucy poems" and "Nutting" (here)
December 7: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Coleridge, Christabel (here)
Check your email and fill out the online course evaluation.
december 12: EXAM REVIEW
Exam review: review your notes and make a list of key terms and concepts.
Essays are due in hard copy on 12/12 (with comments & feedback) or 12/14 (no comments, just grade).
Final Exam: Wednesday, December 14, 1:30-3:30 pm
The final exam schedule is here. Please note the earlier exam time at 1:30, not 2:00pm.