Restoration through Revolutions: 1660-1815

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            From Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels

September 2: Introduction & Historical Contexts

Contexts: Enlightenment, The Restoration, Slavery & the Slave Trade, Women in Print, and the Popish Plot 

Kant, What is Enlightenment?

Milton, Paradise Lost, Book I

Close Reading assignments

September 9: Freedom, Epic & Heroism

John Milton, Paradise Lost: (flag the following passages for easy access)

(Use The John Milton Reading Room from Dartmouth College if you are still waiting for your books to arrive. You'll find it useful to read the short Arguments at the beginning of each book as well.)

  Invocation to the Muse: Book I lines 1-355 (on handout from class) 

  God on Man: Book III. 80-134

  Satan - "Me miserable": Book IV. 32-113

  Description of Adam & Eve: Book IV. 287-318

  Adam to Eve: Book IV.411-435

  Satan on tree: IV.512-527

  Eve to Adam: IV.635-638

  Satan tempts Eve: IV.797-809

  Eve reports dream to Adam: V.33-93

  Adam & Raphael discuss Eve: VIII.521-78

  The Fall: All of Book 9

  Confession & Sentencing: X.1-234, especially 137-156

  Commiseration: X.720-768, 873-895, 923-936

  Suicide? Penitence: X.967-1006, 1013-1104.

  Expulsion: XII. 552-end


Homework: (1) Read Milton passages above

(2) 1 Close Reading of a selected passage. (Refer to the assignment handout for instructions).

(3) Work on buying the Norton Anthology Volume C. You will need it for the following week's readings.

September 16: The Slave Trade

Aphra Behn, Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave (2313)

Oladuah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself (3033)

Phillis Wheatley, poems

September 23: no class 

Buy Samuel Richardson, Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded (book info)

Optional purchase: Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews and Shamela (book info)

September 30: Periodicals & Restoration Drama

Read Norton Anthology: Restoration Literature (2198-2199) and The Periodical Essay (2639-41)

William Congreve, The Way of the World (2359-2420)

Addison & Steele, The Spectator: "The Aims of the Spectator" (2644), "Wit: True, False, Mixed" (2652); "Paradise Lost" (2657); check out the original

Eliza Haywood, The Female Spectator (just browse link and scroll through the journal by clicking on it)

OCTOBER 7: Wit, GEnius & Taste - Dryden & Pope

John Dryden, An Essay of Dramatic Poesy (2252, 2256-8)

Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism (2669-2678): Parts I and II up to Part II, line 423

Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock (2686-2704)


"Low People and High People" (2435-2440)

Samuel Richardson, Pamela (only pages 3-67, 178-208, 497-503) - (not in the anthology; please purchase)

Henry Fielding, excerpts from Joseph Andrews and Shamela (excerpts here

Write a personal essay (at least 1.5 pages) on Virtue, responding to this competition prompt

  (If you are behind in your Close Readings, you are welcome to write both the Virtue essay and a close reading for next week).

October 21: Midterm Exam

Midterm Study Materials (here)

October 28: DANIEL DEFOE

Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (1-86, 109-114, 144-146, 166-191)


Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal (2633)

Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, Parts I, II and IV


Jonathan Swift, "The Lady's Dressing Room" (2767)

Lady Wortley Montagu, "The Reasons That Induced Dr. Swift to Write a Poem Called the Lady's Dressing Room" (2770)

Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (here)

November 18: Paper conferences

Come to Carman 392 with a prepared your three passages, close reading points, and thesis: Essay topics (here); Meeting times (here).

Purchase and start reading Pride and Prejudice, Volume I

Bring your completed quiz to the meeting!


No class; read Pride and Prejudice, Volume II

December 2: Pride & Prejudice

Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice, Volumes I and II

   Read Female Education, Reading, and Jane Austen

      Jane Austen on UK Bank notes

     ...the Ensuing Controversy

     Bank Notes and Board Games

December 9: Austen Conclusions, Writing Workshop & EXAM REVIEW 

Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice, Volume 3

Writing workshop: bring a hard copy of your full rough draft to class

Exam review: review your notes and make a list of key terms and concepts

Final Exam: December 16, 6:00-8:30

Check your email and fill out the Course Evaluation before it expires! A link should have been sent to you from the Vice Provost. 

Please be sure to bring your midterm exams to return to me when you take the final.

Essays are due in hard copy.



Samuel Johnson, Rambler No. 4 (2923)

Samuel Johnson, Preface to Dictionary of the English Language (2929)

Samuel Johnson, The Preface to Shakespeare (2936)

Samuel Johnson, Lives of the Poets (2947)